So bath and body works had there hello yellow sale like a week or two ago and i was wondering what you guys got, and i also decided to show you what got.
1. Organge Sapphire Body Spray - Original: $12 Sale: $3
2. Coconut Mango Body Spray - Original $12 Sale: $6

3. Coconut Mango Lip gloss - Original: $7 Sale: $3
4. True Blue Spa Glow and Steady gradual self tanner - Original: $15 Sale: $3

5. Bali Mango Lotion - Original: $10.50 Sale: around $5
6. I also decided I would just throw in this shirt i got: Wet-Seal - $12.00 on sale :)
I bought a lot more stuff than this from other places, and i thought I would throw them in there, but i didn't really remember all the stuff I have bought.
I was hoping to get a lot more but i didn't. So what did you guys get, oh and sorry i didn't post this sooner when the sale was still going on. I have also been put up for some awards, so within the next coupe of days, i'll post those. Leave your blog, and any comments down below. Bye.